AcupunctureAcupuncture treatments are provided by the Physiotherapist and Chiropractor.
Acupuncture uses filiform needles that have rounded ends and resemble a thread or filament which are different from hypodermic needles which are sharper and designed to cut tissue. Acupuncture can be practiced in a traditional manner (Chinese medicine) or is utilized in modern evidence based fashion. In many instances both methods may be employed and the treatment combined with various treatment methods from electrical modalities, soft tissue therapies, and exercise. Patients have varied responses to acupuncture treatments and some good evidence exists demonstrating its effectiveness when acupuncture is used appropriately. Ask your provider if you are a candidate for this treatment method |
Insurance CoverageWorker's Compensation (WCB)
Autopac (MPI) Most private/group insurance Veteran's Affairs/RCMP Direct billing available |
Jenna graduated from the physiotherapy program at the University of Manitoba and is certified with the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute. Jenna studied in the Athletic Therapy Program for two years prior to Physiotherapy.
Jenna is a passionate advocate of active based rehabilitation. The most rewarding aspect of her practice is empowering patients to take charge of their own active recovery and injury prevention. Jenna believes that optimal function depends not only on rehabilitating the physical limitation of an injury, but also in considering all aspects of a person’s lifestyle. She takes great pride in educating her patients about their injury to help them improve their health, well-being and quality of life. |
Dr. Robert Muir received his Bachelor of Science degree from University of Manitoba and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Dr. Muir's focus is on treating neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions following a contemporary evidence based healthcare model.
Through comprehensive musculoskeletal, neurological, and biomechanical assessment, Dr. Muir is able to identify injuries and or functional movement impairments that may signify underlying conditions. Manual Therapy techniques may include: myofascial and instrument assisted soft tissue techniques, acupuncture, flexion distraction and gentle mobilization, manual joint manipulation, taping, Graston technique, rehabilitation, and correcting functional movement impairments to list a few. Dr. Muir has worked as a therapist with football and hockey. Finally Dr. Muir is proud to be the owner and clinic director of a premier multidisciplinary health centre focused on musculoskeletal health with a group of top professionals. |
Kate Garinger graduated from the Masters of Physiotherapy Program at the University of Manitoba, where she also obtained a Bachelor of Science. Kate is also certified with the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute. Her clinical experience includes inpatient and outpatient orthopedic settings, pulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation (stroke and acquired brain injury), and treatment of current and former cancer patients. Kate has an excellent rapport with patients and staff alike and enjoys working with people of all different ability levels and ages. She has a passion for physiotherapy and is always looking for new ways to improve her practice such as taking new courses and seminars.